Leave the human resources management of your company in our hands.
Siltr @, contrat @, delt @, certific @, regcon, aeat ...
Registration of the company in the corresponding Social Security system and obtaining the CCC.
Formalization of employment contracts in the official model and completion of the necessary procedures before the Public Employment Service.
Application of the type of discount or reduction that may correspond according to the type of contract.
Preparation of salary receipts, settlements, settlements, compensation ... etc.
Preparation and presentation of the Social Security contribution bulletins (RNT and RLC).
Control of contract expirations, trial periods and bonuses or reductions.
Annual calculation of withholdings on account of the Personal Income Tax of the workers and family situation of each one in order to apply the corresponding rate.
Processing of medical reports of discharge, confirmation and discharge for Temporary Disability and Work Accidents.
Company certificates and preparation of the necessary documentation before the termination or termination of an employment contract, for any reason.
Preparation of work calendar.
Detailed calculation of employee costs.
Advice on labor and Social Security matters.
Processing of requirements / letters from the TGSS.
Prevention in Laboral risks.
Preparation of taxes.
Processing of subsidies.
Opening licenses.
Work inspection.
Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Service.
Self-editable web pages, community manager services.