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Leave the human resources management of your company in our hands.


Siltr @, contrat @, delt @, certific @, regcon, aeat ​​...


  • Registration of the company in the corresponding Social Security system and obtaining the CCC.

  • Formalization of employment contracts in the official model and completion of the necessary procedures before the Public Employment Service.

  • Application of the type of discount or reduction that may correspond according to the type of contract.

  • Preparation of salary receipts, settlements, settlements, compensation ... etc.

  • Preparation and presentation of the Social Security contribution bulletins (RNT and RLC).

  • Control of contract expirations, trial periods and bonuses or reductions.

  • Annual calculation of withholdings on account of the Personal Income Tax of the workers and family situation of each one in order to apply the corresponding rate.

  • Processing of medical reports of discharge, confirmation and discharge for Temporary Disability and Work Accidents.

  • Company certificates and preparation of the necessary documentation before the termination or termination of an employment contract, for any reason.

  • Preparation of work calendar.

  • Detailed calculation of employee costs.

  • Advice on labor and Social Security matters.

  • Processing of requirements / letters from the TGSS.

  • Prevention in Laboral risks.

  • Preparation of taxes.

  • Processing of subsidies.

  • Opening licenses.

  • Work inspection.

  • Mediation, Arbitration and Conciliation Service.

  • Self-editable web pages, community manager services.

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